Continuing Education Training

Continuing Education Training


  • Health Consulting Services
  • Professional Development Workshops and Training
  • Child Care Worker Training Hours
  • Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH)/Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Our goal is to improve the quality of health education and social services provided to current and emancipated foster care and probation youth living in residential based programs. If you would like to receive information regarding training for your health education and community health workers, please contact us and you will be directed to our feedback form.

Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) - National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC)

C.H.A.I.N. Reaction, Inc. is a Multiple Event Provider (MEP3984) with the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. We offer entry level and advanced level Category I Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) for Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) and Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES).

Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)

CHES must earn 75 CECH (Minimum of 45 hours of Category I CECH and maximum 30 hours Category II CECH) over a five year certification period.

Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)

MCHES must earn 75 CECH (Minimum of 45 hours of Category I CECH and maximum of 30 hours Category II CECH) at least 30 CECH earned must be in advanced level during the five year certification period.

In an effort to maintain credentialing, NCHEC encourages CHES/MCHES to earn a minimum of 15 CECH per year, at least 90 days prior to recertification.

Our learning objectives align with the Seven Areas of Responsibility which contain the Competencies and Subcompetencies developed by NCHEC:

Area I – Assess Needs, Resources, and Capacity for Health Education/Promotion 

Area II – Plan Health Education/Promotion 

Area III – Implement Health Education/Promotion

Area IV – Conduct Evaluation and Research Related to Health Education/Promotion

Area V – Administer and Manage Health Education/Promotion

Area VI – Serve as a Health Education/Promotion Resource Person

Area VII – Communicate, Promote, and Advocate for Health, Health Education/Promotion, and the Profession

Interested in Learning More?

Feel free to send us an email to get more information to access our programs and services.

C.H.A.I.N. Reaction, Inc. | P.O. Box 452628 Los Angeles, CA 90045 | Email:


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